Frank-ly, Carson's a star says Roy after Newry win

IF you're being mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Frank Lampard, then you must be doing something right...

It was summer signing Rory Carson who drew the comparison with the England midfielder from Ballymena United manager Roy Walker after inspiring the Sky Blues to their first home victory of the season.

The midfielder's 73rd minute goal ensured that United, inside 90 minutes, took more points off Newry than they managed in four meetings last season – and perhaps more tellingly proved that the Sky Blues are now capable of beating the so-called lesser teams, which has been a consistent Achilles heel in recent seasons.

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Walker heaped praise on Carson after he stepped off the subs' bench to push United on to victory, not only scoring the winning goal but also winning two penalties, BOTH of which were carelessly squandered, although thankfully not to Ballymena's cost.

"Awareness is the first thing I would say about Rory," enthused Walker.

"If you ever watch Frank Lampard, he has two glances before the ball even arrives at him, one over each shoulder. Rory's very much like that.

"Attacking midfielder isn't his natural position but it's where we want him to play because we see good feet – he's good on the left and the right or through the middle. He's a perceptive footballer with good technique.

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