Parents and children have never had it so easy, I imagine

Graeme 'Yer Man' CousinsGraeme 'Yer Man' Cousins
Graeme 'Yer Man' Cousins
Picture the scene: a 23-year-old mother has just settled down to her first cigarette of the day after running about her two-bedroom terraced house after her three children since 6am that morning.

The year is 1955, for handiness’ sake the time is also 19.55.

I wasn’t born in 1955 but following extensive research I have learnt that everyone in the mid-50’s smoked, had three children before the age of 25 and lived in terraced accomodation.

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The young mum in question takes her final drag on the cigarette and gathers herself to tackle the pile of soiled towelling nappies at her feet provided with clockwork regularity throughout the day by her three children, each of them breastfed in keeping with 1955 custom.