£500k of cocaine found as detectives raid Fintona drug factory

Creative Commons image of cocaine (contributed by V alerie Everett)Creative Commons image of cocaine (contributed by V alerie Everett)
Creative Commons image of cocaine (contributed by V alerie Everett)
Detectives from the PSNI Organised Crime Unit tonight announced that a haul of what they called “suspected cocaine” – with an estimated street value of around £500,000 – had been seized.

It was discovered thanks to raids in or around the little Tyrone settlement of Fintona today.

The village is several miles south of Omagh, which is the nearest major town, and according to the 2011 census it had slightly over 500 households.

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The PSNI said its officers had “uncovered a suspected drugs factory used in the production of Class A drugs” (cocaine is Class A).

Fintona from the air (GoogleMaps)Fintona from the air (GoogleMaps)
Fintona from the air (GoogleMaps)

Two men aged 35 and 25 have been arrested on suspicion of a number of drugs-related offences.

They are currently in police custody where they are being questioned by detectives.

Detective Inspector Shaw said: “The arrests and seizure were the result of searches carried out today in the Fintona area.

“Drugs cause significant harm.

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“Not only do they pose a risk to the lives of people who take them but also to their families who deal with the distressing fall out associated with drugs, including debt and intimidation.

“People who bring these drugs into our communities do not care about this pain and misery, instead they only care about the significant profits they can make. “We will continue to disrupt those involved in drugs related criminality and remove drugs and other harmful substances from our communities.

“I want to appeal to anyone with information about the supply of illegal drugs to get in touch with us on 101.”

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