Average person works an extra 2 hours a day after clocks go forward

Despite the extra daylight, it seems that the average person is not looking forward to the clocks going forwardDespite the extra daylight, it seems that the average person is not looking forward to the clocks going forward
Despite the extra daylight, it seems that the average person is not looking forward to the clocks going forward
It's not long now until the clocks change on 26 March, heralding the start of summer, blue skies, light evenings, and good times.

But despite the extra daylight, it seems that the we're not looking forward to it, or automatically planning how he or she is going to use those additional hours for fun. In fact, the majority of us actually end up working even more than we do in winter.

A survey of 1,000 people to find out how we really feel when the clocks go forward reveals that far from knocking off early to take advantage of the sunshine, on average, we actually do an extra 2.04 hours of work.

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It seems that when it's lighter, later, we're more reluctant to make a dash for the exit than if it was dark (when perhaps it would be harder to see if we were sneaking out early). In fact, less than a quarter of us say we work less during summer hours. And, according to the poll carried out by Scotlight, over a third of us (36 per cent) are not actually in favour of Daylight Saving, for a whole host of reasons.

The biggest bugbear we have is that the mornings are darker. 48 per cent of us resent having to get up when it's practically pitch black, hoping to stay in our warm, snuggly bed and hibernate some more.

Then the fact that the sky is still pretty blue by the time it's our usual bedtime means we don't actually feel tired, which then impacts on how much sleep we get; over a quarter us loathe not feeling sleepy when it's time to go to bed.