Annual dinner at Hunters

Ballycastle and District Horse Ploughing committee treasurer, Donal McAllister, (left) receiving a new cup donated by fellow committee member, Sean Cassley at the annual dinner in Hunters, Ballyvoy. inbm17-15 kmaBallycastle and District Horse Ploughing committee treasurer, Donal McAllister, (left) receiving a new cup donated by fellow committee member, Sean Cassley at the annual dinner in Hunters, Ballyvoy. inbm17-15 kma
Ballycastle and District Horse Ploughing committee treasurer, Donal McAllister, (left) receiving a new cup donated by fellow committee member, Sean Cassley at the annual dinner in Hunters, Ballyvoy. inbm17-15 kma
The annual dinner of Ballycastle and District Horse Ploughing Society was held at Hunters, Ballyvoy, when three stalwarts of ploughing were remembered.

Members stood for a minute’s silence in memory of former President, Johnnie Butler, and his wife, Mary who both passed away last year.

Tribute was also paid to Mosside man, Brian Simpson, another staunch supporter of the event.

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Committee member, Donal McAllister, described Mr Butler as a valued member as well as being an accomplished ploughman competing all over Northern Ireland and winning many titles.

Mr McAllister said Mr Simpson was a good friend to the Horse Society and never missed matches. He always assisted the Ramoan Ladies with catering during matches.

The dinner saw a record attendance and the committee have thanked the sponsors for their generosity year after year.

Chairman, Danny Matthews, was also thanked for providing the field for the competitors and thanks were also extended to Patrick Casement, Alec and Trevor Butler for the car parking field ably manned by Jimmy and Ciaran McVeigh. Caterers and judges as well as were also congratulated for their contributions.

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Fireside quiz winners were: 1, Deirdre Trohear; 2, Tracey McAllister; 3, Christine Mitchell.