Christmas cookery class

Arlene Thompson. INLT 16-611-CONArlene Thompson. INLT 16-611-CON
Arlene Thompson. INLT 16-611-CON
Many of us have friends and family round for Christmas dinner and would love to try a different veg or starter.

Arlene from Carrickfergus Cookery School is offering a one-off Christmas cookery class on Wednesday, December16, 6.30-9.30pm. Dishes include Christmas red cabbage, sprouts with madeira pancetta and chestnuts, (learn how to prepare fresh chestnuts), smoked salmon crostinis and parcels and really special pannetonne bread and butter puddings. For more information contact Arlene: Email [email protected] Face Book carrickferguscookeryschool or on 07854114727 In the meantime have a practice at this delicious starter -perfect for Christmas dinner!

Scallops with crispy pancetta and lemon crème fraiche