Andrew calls for investment in community based venture

LURGAN businessman Andrew McMurray has been appointed as a director of Northern Ireland’s first community wind energy co-operative – Drumlin Wind Energy Co-op – and is calling on people in County Armagh to invest in and benefit directly from this community focused venture.

Andrew graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering in 2003 and a Masters degree in Renewable Energy in 2004. He started his career with B9 Energy/RES and worked on the development and engineering aspects of 10 wind farms in Northern Ireland. Andrew has volunteered with Friends of the Earth for 13 years and served as a board member from 2006 to 2009.

In 2009 Andrew formed a new company called NRG Solutions, a consultancy service in the renewable energy and electrical engineering sector. He has joined Drumlin Wind Energy Co-op as a Director to help take the project from planning stage to construction and operation.

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